Top 5 Exciting Primates Safaris in Africa

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Summers are the best times to see primates in Africa since vegetation is all over and green that primates move less in search for food. Africa has several primate species in different locations but gorillas and chimpanzee trekking adventures top all the other primate walks hence being the top Africa primate safari adventures across the globe. Beyond doubt gorillas and chimpanzee trekking are the most fine, exciting primate safari treks that change lives and impact thousands of travelers to Africa. If you considering a great primate safari experience, plan visiting one of the  top primate Safari destinations like Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Democratic Republic of Congo. Here the primate safari experience is fur better than that in the Zoo because travelers involve in every process from searching for the primates, exploring the forest jungle and meeting up with several forest habitat. Besides East Africa is considered a primate capital and primate safari escape for all primate lovers.

Gorilla Trekking

This unique primate adventure unveils the beauty of multiple jungle forests including Bwindi, Virunga, Mgahinga, Volcanoes, Kahuzi Biega and many more by presenting the forest gentle giant creature to tourists daily with one hour duration allowance of photography and observation in respect of conservation. Watching these beautiful primates and the largest among all the living primate species is really wonderful and hard to forget in life. Today almost every habituated gorilla family has baby gorillas-juvenile that take your a tension for watching them play and jump in trees and entangled forest vegetation. Please note that gorilla trekking safaris are conducted all year round though the low season is the best tie for those travelling on tight budgets. Tracking gorillas is best done in Uganda, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo especially travelers interested in seeing mountain gorillas and low land gorillas.

Mountain gorillas live in Bwindi Forest National Park, Mgahinga National park, Volcanoes National Park and Virunga National Park. However Low land gorillas live in Kahuzi Biega National park a unique park found in Congo. To see gorillas one needs to have a gorilla permit for a particular date. The experience of tracking gorillas is same in Uganda, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo with a difference in gorilla permit prices. Rwanda gorilla permits cost $1500, Congo permits $400 while Uganda permits $600.If the permit price rates seem to high make sure you track gorillas in low season months and get discounts on permits. During low season months-mid March –Mid May in Congo permits cost only $200 and in April-May and November Uganda gorilla permits cost $450.

Lemur Tracking in Madagascar

Lemurs are ENDANGERED primates endemic to the island of Madagascar.  Most travelers to Madagascar do not tracking these rare primates, an experience that is not only exciting but memorable.

Chimpanzee Trekking

Just like gorilla trekking breathtakingly beautiful and a true hidden gem in Africa is only done in Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and Democratic Republic of Congo. Trekking chimpanzees in an amazing wildlife experience where tourists trek through a wild forest to find see chimpanzees and other forest habitats. Tourists need chimpanzee permits that are booked in the same way like gorilla permits and the trek starts early morning with a briefing from park rangers on how to go about with the trek. Chimpanzee trekking is done both in the morning and afternoon and tourists are free to trek chimpanzees at their convenient time. In East Africa, tourists track chimpanzees in Nyungwe forest national park, Virunga national park, Kibale forest national park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Murchison falls national park and Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania. Above all chimpanzee trekking in Uganda is found in various locations including Kibale forest national park, Kyambura gorge, & Kalinzu forest in Queen Elizabeth and Budongo in Murchison falls national. However, it’s wonderful to combine trekking gorillas and chimpanzees on your vacation tour holiday in Africa.


The bonobo also called the pygmy chimpanzee are found in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Bonobos are miniature, sharing, caring chimps, living in hippie communes with no aggression and lots of sex.

Golden Monkey Tracking

This unique adventure is carried out only in two national parks; Volcanoes National Park of Uganda and the Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in Uganda. Golden monkeys are among the rare primates to see in Africa.

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